How to Configure Magento 2 for Affiliate Marketing

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Affiliate Marketing is an effective way to promote products, services and earn revenue without any investment. Magento, an E-commerce platform, also has Affiliate Marketing built-in feature which allows the store owner to implement it on the website. This article will guide you through the process of configuring Magento 2 for Affiliate Marketing.

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Step 1: Install Magento 2

If you haven’t already installed Magento 2, start by downloading the Magento 2 package from the official website. Follow the installation procedure and configure it accordingly.

Step 2: Set up Store and Products

Once Magento 2 is installed and configured, set up your online store. Create categories, attributes, products and configure their related settings.

Step 3: Enable Affiliate Marketing

To enable Affiliate Marketing in Magento 2, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Affiliate in the Magento Admin panel.
  2. Set Affiliate Enabled to Yes.
  3. Set Default Affiliate Group to the group that new affiliates should be automatically assigned to.
  4. Set Enable Automatic Approval to Yes to allow automatic approval of new affiliates.
  5. Set Require Admin Approval to Yes to disallow automatic approval and require admin approval before affiliates can join.

Step 4: Configure Affiliate Account Page

The Affiliate Account Page displays Affiliate-related information. To configure the affiliate account page:

  1. Navigate to Content > Pages in the Magento Admin panel.
  2. Click on Add New Page button.
  3. Enter the page information, such as the page title, URL, meta description, content, and other settings.
  4. Under Design section, select the appropriate design theme. Save the page.

Step 5: Configure Affiliate Lifetime

Affiliate Lifetime refers to the period in which affiliates will continue earning commission on every sale they generate. Magento 2 allows the store owner to configure Affiliate Lifetime settings. Follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Stores > Configuration > Sales > Affiliate in the Magento Admin panel.
  2. Set Affiliate Lifetime to the desired duration. If you set the Lifetime to 0, the affiliate will receive commission on every sale they generate for a lifetime.

Step 6: Set up Affiliates

Now that Affiliate Marketing is enabled, set up affiliate accounts by following these steps:

  1. Navigate to Customers > All Customers > Add New Customer in the Magento Admin panel.
  2. Enter the information of the Affiliate user, such as email, name, address, etc.
  3. Set Customer Group to Affiliate.
  4. Click on Generate Coupon Code button to generate a unique coupon code for the affiliate user. Save customer account.

Step 7: Monitor Affiliate Performance

To monitor the performance of affiliates:

  1. Navigate to Marketing > Affiliates > Manage Affiliates in the Magento Admin panel.
  2. View the performance of Affiliate users, check clicks, impressions, and sales.
  3. Pay commissions to the affiliates using offline payment methods.


Affiliate Marketing can be a profitable strategy for the owner and affiliates. By following this guide, you can easily configure Magento 2 for Affiliate Marketing. Remember to keep track of Affiliate performance and pay correct commission on time. Happy promoting!

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