How To Set Customer Password Options In Magento 2

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When it comes to online shopping, users want to be sure that their personal information and payment details are secure. One important component of online security is the ability for customers to set strong passwords that are difficult to crack. In this article, we’ll show you how to set customer password options in Magento 2.

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Why Password Security Matters

Password security is essential for online accounts. When a customer creates an account on your website, they are required to set a password. This password is what they will use to log in to their account and access their information. Weak passwords can easily be guessed or hacked, putting the customer’s personal information at risk.

Setting Password Options in Magento 2

As a Magento store owner, you have the ability to set password options for your customers. To access this feature, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Magento 2 admin dashboard.
  2. From the main menu, navigate to Stores > Configuration.
  3. Expand the Customers section and select Customer Configuration.
  4. Expand the Password Options section.

In the Password Options section, you can configure several options for your customers’ passwords.

Minimum Password Length

The minimum password length determines the shortest password that is allowed to be created. This helps ensure that passwords are strong and more secure. Magento 2 defaults to a minimum password length of 8 characters, but you can adjust this to meet your specific security needs.

Maximum Password Length

The maximum password length determines the longest password that is allowed to be created. This can help prevent customers from creating overly complex passwords that they may forget. Magento 2 defaults to a maximum password length of 256 characters, but you can adjust this if needed.

Minimum Password Strength

The minimum password strength determines the complexity of the password required. Magento 2 has a built-in strength indicator that takes into account elements such as upper and lower case letters, numbers, and special characters. You can choose the minimum strength required for a password. Magento 2 defaults to a medium strength password requirement, but you can adjust it to be weaker or stronger.

Password Lifetime

The password lifetime determines how long a password can be used before it expires. This can help ensure that customers change their passwords regularly, which can help prevent security breaches. Magento 2 defaults to a password lifetime of 90 days, but you can adjust this to meet your specific needs.

Lockout After Failed Attempts

The lockout after failed attempts option determines how many times a customer can enter an incorrect password before their account is locked. This can help prevent brute force attacks, where someone tries multiple passwords until they find the correct one. Magento 2 defaults to 6 failed attempts before locking out the account, but you can adjust this to meet your specific needs.

Default Page After Login

The default page after login option determines which page the customer is redirected to after successfully logging in. Magento 2 defaults to the account dashboard page, but you can choose a custom landing page if desired.

Show Website

The show website option determines whether or not the customer’s website is displayed in the account dashboard. This can be helpful for customers who have created accounts on multiple websites using the same email address.


Setting customer password options in Magento 2 is an important step in protecting your customers’ personal information and preventing security breaches. By adjusting the minimum and maximum password length, minimum password strength, password lifetime, lockout after failed attempts, default page after login, and show website options, you can create a secure and user-friendly environment for your customers.

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