BigCommerce Exit Intent Popups: Using Popups To Retain Customers Who Are About To Leave Your Site

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As an online business owner, you’re well aware of how important it is to keep visitors on your site and convert them into customers. However, the reality is that not every visitor will make a purchase or even stick around long enough to explore your products or services. That’s where exit intent popups come in.

Exit intent popups are an effective way to not only keep visitors on your site but to also provide them with an incentive to take action, whether that be making a purchase, subscribing to your newsletter, or following you on social media. And, with the BigCommerce platform, implementing exit intent popups has never been easier.

In this article, we’ll take a closer look at how to use exit intent popups on your BigCommerce store to retain customers who are about to leave your site.

Understanding Exit Intent Popups

Before we dive into how to use exit intent popups for your online store, it’s essential to understand what they are and why they’re effective. Exit intent popups are triggered by the movement of your visitor’s cursor towards the top of their browser, indicating that they are about to leave your site. These popups appear on the screen just as the visitor is about to leave and is often considered the last-ditch effort for businesses looking to retain a potential customer.

Studies Show The Benefits of Exit Intent Popups

A study conducted by ConversionXL found that businesses saw an average conversion rate increase of 4% – 7% after implementing exit intent popups. Another study by eConsultancy revealed that 57% of businesses experienced a higher conversion rate just by using exit intent popups.

In addition to increasing your conversion rate, exit intent popups can also help reduce bounce rates and cart abandonment rates. By providing visitors with a compelling reason to stay on your site or complete a purchase, you’re encouraging them to take action before leaving.

Implementing Exit Intent Popups on BigCommerce

Now that we understand the benefits of exit intent popups let’s explore how to effectively implement them on your BigCommerce website. Fortunately, BigCommerce offers several apps and integrations that make implementing exit intent popups a breeze.

Option 1: Use the Built-in Exit Intent Popup Feature

BigCommerce offers a built-in exit intent popup feature that can be accessed by accessing the Marketing > Promotion section of your dashboard. From there, you can create an exit intent popup that appears on specific pages of your site or across your entire store.

When creating your popup, be sure to make it eye-catching and offer a compelling reason for your visitor to stay or complete a purchase. Whether it’s offering a discount or other incentive, your popup should be designed to persuade your visitor to take action.

Option 2: Use an Exit Intent Popup App

In addition to the built-in feature, BigCommerce offers several third-party exit intent popup apps that can help take your popup game to the next level. These apps offer more customization options, templates, and additional features such as A/B testing to determine the most effective popup for your audience.

Apps like Privy and JustUno are popular choices for businesses looking to implement exit intent popups. These apps offer easy installation and integration with your BigCommerce store, allowing you to create engaging popups quickly.

Best Practices for Exit Intent Popups

While exit intent popups can be highly effective, it’s crucial to follow best practices to ensure that they don’t become annoying to your visitors. Here are some guidelines to keep in mind when implementing exit intent popups on your site:

  • Make your popup attractive and eye-catching, but not too distracting.
  • Offer a strong incentive or compelling reason for your visitor to stay or complete a purchase.
  • Keep it simple and to the point. The goal is to convert your visitor, so avoid including too much information or going off-topic.
  • Allow visitors to easily exit out of the popup if they’re not interested.
  • Use A/B testing to determine the most effective popup for your audience.


Incorporating exit intent popups on your BigCommerce store is an excellent way to retain customers who are about to leave your site without taking any further action. With the built-in feature or third-party app integration options, it’s easier than ever to implement a popup that meets your business’s needs. By following best practices and offering a compelling reason for your visitor to stay, you can increase your conversion rates and reduce bounce and cart abandonment rates.

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