How To Configure Customer Groups In Magento 2

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One of the key aspects of running a successful online store is the ability to segment your customers into different groups according to their behavior or characteristics. This not only allows you to create targeted marketing campaigns but also enables you to provide differentiated pricing and discounts based on customer loyalty or spending habits.

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In Magento 2, you can easily create and manage customer groups through the admin panel. In this tutorial, we will walk you through the steps involved in configuring customer groups in Magento 2.

Step 1: Accessing Customer Groups

To get started, log in to your Magento 2 admin panel and navigate to Customers > Customer Groups. Here you will see a list of existing customer groups, as well as the option to create a new group.

Step 2: Creating a New Customer Group

To create a new customer group, click on the "Add New Customer Group" button located in the top right corner of the page. In the next screen, you will need to enter the following information:

Group Information

  • Group Name: Enter a unique name for the new group.
  • Tax Class: Select the appropriate tax class for the group.
  • Description: Optionally, add a brief description of the group to help you remember its purpose or criteria.

Group Settings

  • Enable: Turn on the toggle to enable the group.
  • Customer Group Code: Optionally, enter a unique code to identify the group in your records.

Step 3: Configuring Group Pricing

Once you have created a new customer group, you can configure group pricing by navigating to Products > Catalog and selecting a product that you want to assign a specific price to.

In the "Product Information" tab, scroll down to the "Price" section and select the "Advanced Pricing" link. Here you can specify a discounted price for the new customer group.

Step 4: Assigning Customers to a Group

After you have created a customer group, you can assign customers to it by navigating to Customers > All Customers and selecting a customer profile. In the "Account Information" tab, scroll down to the "Customer Group" section and select the appropriate group from the drop-down menu.

Step 5: Using Customer Groups

Once you have configured your customer groups and assigned customers to them, you can leverage them in a number of ways, such as:

  • Targeted Marketing: Create email campaigns or promotions that are specific to a particular customer group based on their behavior or characteristics.
  • Pricing and Discounts: Offer differentiated pricing or discounts to customers based on their loyalty or spending habits.
  • Product Recommendations: Create personalized product recommendations for different customer groups based on their preferences or purchase history.


Configuring customer groups in Magento 2 is a powerful tool for online store owners who want to provide personalized experiences to their customers. By segmenting customers into groups based on their behavior or characteristics, you can create targeted marketing campaigns, offer differentiated pricing and discounts, and provide personalized product recommendations. Using the steps outlined in this tutorial, you can easily create and manage customer groups in your Magento 2 store.

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