In the world of e-commerce, personalization is key. Consumers want to feel special and like their unique needs are being met. With the rise of technology, it has become easier than ever for online retailers to personalize their websites to their customers. BigCommerce, one of the top e-commerce platforms, offers a variety of personalization features to help businesses tailor their sites to meet their customers’ needs.
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Why Personalization is Important
Personalization is critical for e-commerce businesses for a variety of reasons.
Increases Customer Engagement
A personalized experience encourages customers to engage with your site, ultimately increasing their loyalty and the likelihood of them making a purchase. Personalized content helps to establish customer trust and benefits brand loyalty which results in more returning customers.
Boosts Conversion Rates
Personalizing your e-commerce site has been shown to boost conversion rates. Research from DSP and IPG Media Labs found that personalized ads drive four times more revenue than non-personalized ads. Similarly, HubSpot has found that personalized CTAs perform 202% better than non-personalized CTAs.
Improved Customer Experience
Personalization decreases the feeling of being overwhelmed as the customer is shown only what they are interested in. A streamlined, personalized experience makes it easier for customers to find what they’re looking for without having to slog through irrelevant results.
BigCommerce Personalization Features
BigCommerce offers multiple features to help e-commerce websites tailor their site to their customers.
Dynamic Content
Dynamic content allows businesses to display personalized content to their users. This can be based on user behavior, demographics, location or any other data point which is being collected by BigCommerce. You can use dynamic content to display personalized product recommendations, category adverts, promotional offerings or provide customers to sign up for notifications when a desired product or category is back in stock.
Customized URL Redirects
BigCommerce gives retailers the ability to create unique URL Redirects for specific customers. This allows businesses to create a personalized store experience for their customers by directing them to specific pages or content based on their preferences.
Personalized Product Recommendations
BigCommerce’s personalized product recommendations feature analyzes customer behaviors and purchase history to generate personalized product recommendations. This feature helps to improve the customer experience by feature products that are geared towards their interests, increasing the likelihood of them making a purchase.
Advanced Customer Segmentation
BigCommerce’s advanced customer segmentation feature helps businesses to divide their customers into targeted groups based on specific criteria. This can be based on purchase history, demographics, location, customer behavior, or any other data point. With the ability to segment their customers, businesses can target personalized marketing programs to reach the specific target audience. This helps to build a more personalized, relevant experience for each customer, further driving customer engagement and loyalty.
Abandoned Cart Saver
The abandoned cart saver feature in BigCommerce is specifically designed to help recovered lost sales. The feature sends a personalized email to the customer encouraging them to make a purchase. This message can include image of the abandoned products, personalized messaging, promotional offers or incentives to successfully complete the sale.
Customizable Product Recommendations
BigCommerce’s customizable product recommendations features allow businesses to tailor product recommendations to their customers. Retailers have the ability to set which products they want to upsell or cross-sell, set recommendation algorithms, and apply unique filters. With customized product recommendations, businesses can show their customers more accurate content that will intrigue them and encourage them to stay on the website longer.
Personalization is critical for the success of e-commerce businesses. BigCommerce offers an array of features to help businesses to deliver this personalization to their customers. By leveraging these features, businesses can improve customer engagement, increase conversion rates, and improve their customer experience. By making the effort to personalize customer experiences, businesses can see dramatic returns on their investment, increased customer satisfaction, and long-term customer loyalty.