Magento 2 SEO Checklist: A Step-by-Step Guide for Success

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If you have a Magento 2 store and want to achieve success in the online market, making sure you follow all the Magento 2 SEO best practices is crucial. Search engine optimization (SEO) can help you boost your website’s visibility, generate more traffic and sales, and ultimately improve your bottom line.

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Whether you’re just getting started or looking to optimize your existing store, the following Magento 2 SEO checklist will guide you through the essential steps you need to take to ensure your store is search engine friendly.

Step 1: Initial Setup

Before diving into the more technical aspects of Magento 2 SEO, you need to have a basic understanding of what needs to be done in the initial setup phase.

Choose a Search Engine Friendly URL

The first step you need to take is to choose a search engine friendly URL for your Magento 2 store. The URL should be easy to remember, relevant to the content of your store, and include relevant keywords.

Set Up Meta Title and Description

Make sure you set up your store’s meta title and description, which will appear in search engine results and help search engines understand what your website is about.

Step 2: Improve On-Page Optimization

Once you have set up your store’s initial settings, it’s time to optimize the content of your store. Here are few steps to follow to improve your on-page optimization.

Analyze and Optimize your Content

Make sure your website has high-quality, relevant, and informative content, which will help to attract and retain potential customers. You can optimize your content by using relevant keywords, headings, Alt text, and adding internal and external links.

Optimize your Images

Images and visual content not only make your website visually appealing, but they also play an essential role in search engine optimization. Optimize your images by compressing them without compromising their quality, using descriptive file names, and adding Alt tags.

Optimize your Product Pages

Make sure you optimize your product pages with high-quality product descriptions, relevant keywords, and Alt tags. Also, add social sharing buttons to allow people to share your products on social media platforms.

Step 3: Technical Implementation

The technical aspect of SEO is crucial for improving the performance of your Magento 2 store. Here are some essential technical steps you need to take to ensure your website is search engine friendly.

Enable SSL

Enable SSL on your Magento 2 store to create a secure and safe user experience. SSL is also essential for boosting your website’s credibility and improving your SEO rankings.

Optimize Page Speed

Improving page speed is incredibly important for both user experience and search engine ranking factors. You can optimize your page speed by compressing your images and files, using a cache, and minimizing your code.

Create a Sitemap

A sitemap is a list of pages on your website that are accessible to crawlers or users. Creating a sitemap will help search engines crawl and index your website more efficiently.

Optimize URLs

Make sure your Magento 2 store has search engine friendly URLs with proper keywords, and avoid using unnecessary parameters, which makes it difficult for search engines to crawl your website.

Use Rich Snippets

Rich snippets are used to provide additional information in search engine results. This can help to improve your website’s click-through rate, which ultimately helps improve its SEO ranking.

Step 4: Off-Page Optimization

Off-page optimization is the process of building backlinks and social media signals to your website. Here are some essential steps to follow to improve your off-page optimization.

Build Quality Backlinks

Build quality backlinks to your Magento 2 store by creating high-quality content that people want to link to, and by reaching out to other websites via email, social media, or forums.

Social Media Optimization

Social media optimization involves creating content that is shareable and encourages engagement. Make sure you leverage social media platforms to reach a wider audience and improve brand recognition.

Monitor SEO Performance

Monitor your Magento 2 store’s SEO performance through Google Analytics or other SEO analytics tools. Monitor your store’s traffic, rankings, and conversions regularly to improve your optimization efforts.


To achieve success in the online market, you need to follow all the essential Magento 2 SEO best practices. A well-optimized website will help to attract more traffic, generate more leads and ultimately improve your conversion rates.

By following this Magento 2 SEO checklist, you can improve your store’s search engine rankings, boost your revenue, and create a memorable user experience for your customers.

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