How To Generate Sales Through Ecommerce PPC Retargeting

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When it comes to ecommerce, one of the biggest challenges faced by businesses is increasing conversion rates. While there are numerous factors that go into conversion rates, one proven tactic is retargeting through pay-per-click (PPC) ads.

In this article, we’ll explore what ecommerce PPC retargeting is and how businesses can generate sales through this tactic.

Understanding Ecommerce PPC Retargeting

PPC retargeting is a digital marketing tactic that targets users who have previously interacted with your website. In ecommerce, this typically means users who have visited a product page, added something to their cart, or abandoned their cart.

Through PPC retargeting, businesses can serve ads to these users across different platforms. When done correctly, this tactic can lead to higher conversion rates because users are already familiar with your brand and have shown some level of interest in your products.

Setting Up Ecommerce Retargeting Campaigns

To set up an ecommerce retargeting campaign, you’ll need to use a platform like Google Ads, Facebook Ads, or another advertising network. Here are the general steps you’ll need to follow:

  1. Install a tracking pixel on your website

Before you can run retargeting ads, you’ll need to install a tracking pixel on your website. This pixel will help track user behavior and store data that will be used to serve ads. If you’re using Google Ads, you can use the Google Ads remarketing tag, while Facebook Ads uses the Facebook pixel.

  1. Create an audience

Next, you’ll need to create an audience based on the behavior you want to retarget. For ecommerce, this is typically users who have visited a product page, added something to their cart, or abandoned their cart. You can create custom audiences based on these behaviors.

  1. Create an ad

Once you’ve created your audience, you’ll need to create an ad that will be served to those users. The ad should be visually appealing, include a clear call-to-action (CTA), and remind users of the product they were interested in.

  1. Set a budget and bid

Finally, you’ll need to set a budget and bid for your ad. This will determine the frequency and placement of your retargeting ads.

Best Practices for Ecommerce Retargeting

Here are some best practices to follow when setting up ecommerce retargeting campaigns:

  1. Segment your audience

Not all users who have interacted with your website are the same. By segmenting your audience based on their behavior, you can create more specific ads that speak to their interests and needs.

  1. Use dynamic retargeting ads

Dynamic retargeting ads are those that use data from your website to automatically generate ads that showcase the products that a user was interested in. These ads are highly personalized and often lead to higher conversion rates.

  1. Offer a discount or promotion

Retargeting ads are a great opportunity to offer a discount or promotion to users who have shown some level of interest in your products. This approach can encourage users to complete their purchase or return to your website.

  1. Test different ad formats and placements

Not all retargeting ads are created equal. By testing different ad formats (e.g., static image, carousel, video) and placements (e.g., Facebook vs. Google Ads), you can determine what works best for your audience.


Retargeting through ecommerce PPC ads is a powerful way to increase conversion rates and generate more sales for your business. By following best practices and experimenting with different approaches, businesses can create highly targeted and effective retargeting campaigns.

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