Broken Link Checker For Drupal Commerce: Why You Need It And How To Use It

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If you are running a Drupal Commerce website, then you know how important it is to have a smooth functioning site that is free of errors and broken links. Broken links can turn off visitors and impact your SEO rankings negatively, lowering the ranking of your website on search engine results pages. This is where the Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce comes in handy. This tool scans your website for broken links, missing content, and other errors, notifying you of any issues that need to be fixed.

What is Drupal Commerce and Why Is It Important?

Drupal Commerce is an open-source e-commerce framework that is built on Drupal. It allows online merchants to create an e-commerce website that provides a complete online shopping experience to its customers. With Drupal Commerce, online merchants can manage their products, inventory, shipping, and payment options. Drupal Commerce is essential because it enables businesses to have an online presence and the capability to reach millions of online shoppers.

What are Broken Links?

Broken links are hyperlinks that do not work or lead to a 404 error page. They are frustrating for website visitors who expect to be directed to the correct page or resource they are looking for. Broken links can also affect your website’s search engine rankings if search engine crawlers find too many broken links. Search engines prefer websites that have no broken links as they are more likely to be reliable and provide a positive user experience.

What is the Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce?

The Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce is a module that scans your website for broken links, missing content, and other errors that could prevent you from providing a seamless shopping experience to your customers. The module runs in the background, scanning your website for potential errors, and then notifies you of any issues that need to be fixed. It is a useful tool for preventing lost sales and ensuring your website visitors have a smooth shopping experience.

Why do You Need the Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce?

Having broken links on your website can negatively impact your website’s search engine rankings and turn off potential customers. With the Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce, you can quickly identify broken links and other content issues that may hinder your website’s performance. This module is beneficial for business owners as it ensures that all website links are working correctly, which will lead to a better overall user experience.

How to Use the Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce

Using the Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce is a straightforward process. Follow these steps:

  1. Download the Module

To download the Broken Link Checker module for Drupal Commerce, navigate to the Drupal Commerce website’s module section. In the search bar, type ‘Broken Link Checker’ and click search. Then select the module and download it.

  1. Install the Module

After downloading the module, navigate to your Drupal Commerce website’s admin panel and click on the ‘Extend’ tab. Under the module section, click on the ‘Install new module’ button and select the downloaded module. Click install.

  1. Enable the Module

After successfully installing the module, the next step is to enable it. Go to your website’s extensions page and locate the Broken Link Checker module. Click the ‘Enable’ button.

  1. Configure the Module Settings

Once the module is enabled, you can configure its settings to meet your website requirements. The module allows you to select the scanning frequency, email notifications, and other configurations you prefer.

  1. Begin Scanning Your Website

After configuring the settings, the next step is to begin scanning your website. The Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce automatically scans your website for broken links, missing content, and other issues. The module will alert you to any found issues via email or other configured methods so that you can take corrective measures.


The Broken Link Checker for Drupal Commerce is an essential tool that allows online merchants to keep their websites free of broken links and other errors that can hinder the shopping experience. By detecting and correcting any broken links immediately, your website will remain reliable and offer a positive user experience. Download and install the module today to improve the user experience and enhance your website’s search rankings.

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