How To Use Shopware To Manage Your Product Categories And Tags

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Shopware is an open-source eCommerce platform that allows business owners to create their online stores and sell products. It offers many tools to help manage products, including categories, tags, and filters. In this article, we will discuss how to use Shopware to manage your product categories and tags.

Understanding Product Categories

Product categories are a crucial aspect of any eCommerce store. They organize products into groups, making it easier for customers to find what they are looking for. Shopware provides an intuitive and flexible way to manage product categories.

Adding Categories

To add a new category, go to the Catalogues > Categories menu in the Shopware backend. Click the Add category button to create a new category. You can then specify the category name, description, and other attributes.

Managing Categories

Once you have created categories, you can manage them by going to the Catalogues > Categories menu. Here you can edit, delete, or reorder your categories. You can also create subcategories by dragging and dropping categories in the category tree.

Assigning Categories

To assign a category to a product, go to the product detail page in the backend and select the category in the Categories section.

Using Tags

Tags are another way to organize and categorize products. They are descriptive keywords that you can assign to products to help customers find related products.

Adding Tags

To add a tag, go to the Catalogues > Tags menu in the backend and click the Add tag button. You can then specify the tag name and description.

Managing Tags

Shopware allows you to manage tags by going to the Catalogues > Tags menu. Here you can edit, delete, or reorder your tags. You can also see how many products are assigned to each tag.

Assigning Tags

To assign a tag to a product, go to the product detail page in the backend and select the tag in the Tags section.

Creating Filters

Filters are another way to help customers find products. They allow customers to narrow down the product selection by selecting certain criteria, such as price range, color, or size. Shopware provides many different filter options, including price, stock, manufacturer, and more.

Adding Filters

To add a new filter, go to the Catalogues > Properties menu in the backend. Here you can create a new property group and add properties to it. For example, you could create a "Color" property group and add "Red," "Green" and "Blue" properties to it.

Assigning Filters

Once you have created filter properties, you can assign them to products. Go to the product detail page in the backend and select the filter properties in the Property section.


In summary, managing your product categories and tags in Shopware is a critical step in organizing your eCommerce store effectively. By creating clear categories, assigning relevant tags, and creating useful filters, you can make it easy for your customers to find the products they need. With Shopware’s intuitive backend interface, managing these aspects of your store is straightforward and hassle-free.

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