How To Set Up Product Wishlist In Magento 2

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Magento 2 is a powerful e-commerce platform that offers extensive features to help merchants create a comprehensive online store. Among its many features is the wishlist functionality that is built-in and provides customers a tool to save their favorite products for a later purchase.

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In this article, we will discuss how to set up product wishlist in Magento 2.

Step 1: Enable the Wishlist Functionality

The first step is to enable the wishlist functionality. To do this, navigate to Stores > Configuration in the admin panel. From there, select Customers > Wishlist.

Under the General Options tab, set Enabled to Yes. This will activate the wishlist feature for your store.

You can also set other options such as the Maximum Number of Items Allowed in Wishlist, Sharing Options, Add-to-Cart behavior, and Email Options.

Once you have made the necessary changes, save your configuration.

Step 2: Display Wishlist Link in the Storefront

The next step is to display the wishlist link in the storefront. To do this, navigate to Content > Blocks in the admin panel. From there, select Add New Block.

In the block creation page, add a Block Title, and select the Store View where you want the wishlist link to appear. In the Content section, add the following code:

{{block class="Magento\Framework\View\Element\Template" name="wishlist_link" template="Magento_Wishlist::link.phtml" }}

Save the block and navigate to Content > Widgets. Select Add Widget and choose CMS Static Block.

In the Widget Configuration page, add a Widget Title, select the Store View, and set the Type to CMS Static Block. In the Layout Updates section, select the Page/Block where you want to display the wishlist link.

Under Widget Options, select the Block you created earlier.

Save the widget, and the wishlist link should now be visible on your storefront.

Step 3: Allow Customers to Add Products to Wishlist

By default, Magento 2 allows customers to add products to the wishlist. However, in case this functionality is disabled, you can enable it by navigating to Stores > Configuration > Catalog > Product Options. In the Add to Wishlist section, set Enabled to Yes.

Customers can now add products to their wishlist by clicking on the wishlist icon/link in their desired product page.

Step 4: View and Manage Wishlist in Customer Account

Customers can view and manage their wishlist by navigating to My Account > Wishlist. Here, they can view their saved products, remove products, or add them to the cart.

Step 5: Track Wishlist Activities

Magento 2 also provides an option to track customer wishlist activities such as when a product is added or removed from the wishlist. To enable this feature, navigate to Stores > Configuration > Customers > Wishlist. Under Email Options, set Send Wishlist Update Email to Yes.

This sends an email to customers notifying them of any activity on their wishlist.


The wishlist functionality in Magento 2 allows customers to save their favorite products for a later purchase. By following the above steps, you can easily set up the wishlist feature for your online store.

Magento 2’s built-in wishlist feature is an excellent way to improve customer engagement and encourage repeat purchases. Ensuring that your customers have an easy way to save and view their favorite products will only enhance their online shopping experience.

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